A graduate of New England School of Acupuncture, Will practices both Chinese and Japanese styles of acupuncture. His post-graduate studies of the Spirit of the Herbs with Thea Elijah at the Academy of Five Element Acupuncture contribute significantly to Will's work today. WILL FUDEMAN, L.Ac., L.C.S.W., incorporates over 35 years counseling experience and over 25 years of practicing Shiatsu massage and Qi Gong into the practice of Chinese medicine.
Will can help clients work on short-term goals (such as alleviation of pain and discomfort) and long term goals to help people move toward optimal health and potential in their lives.
Frequently, Will works in conjunction with psychotherapists or other healers to help provide the best possible combination of support for people dealing with serious illnesses, losses, and uniquely challenging circumstances. Will is committed to his clients finding a genuine path to healing.