Zhi Neng Qi Gong led by Armando Santa Ana Chavez (with Will Fudeman translating), at Foundation of Light, Ithaca, NY.
Five Element Spirit of the Herbs and Whole Heart Acupuncture. Thea Elijah, L.Ac. articles and classes. www.perennialmedicine.com
My recent article on emotional healing with Chinese medicine on Truthout- www.truthout.org/speakout/item/22342-healing-emotions-with-chinese-medicine
Mel and Sol- two person acoustic klezmer string band. Will and David Frumkin promotional video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_U6kZuQCdg
Listen! the new album by "RESONATE" (Abbe Lyons, Will Fudeman, David Frumkin, John Simon, Mahmud Burton and Jon Hilton)